
Hi, just wondering which font people generally recommend for flash sites. I am using quite a bit of text on mine currently in Arial font but its kinda dull.

Anybody got any suggestions at what might be a slightly more “sexy” font :stuck_out_tongue:

hm…sexy fonts? I was a little turned on by Times New Roman once…

but if you’re looking for a pimpin’ place to find fonts, check out

dont forget fonts for flash!

speaking of fonts, i’ve recently reinstalled an OS in my system, only to find out i dont have all the fonts that i once had. I am really in need of Myriad -Bold, and Myriad - Roman True Type Fonts, and i really don’t think i should hafta pay for such a common font, that i already had at one point. I’ve looked on all of the software i have, and its nowhere to be found… if someone could take the time to zip these two fonts and post them to this thread, i would be much obliged. :stuck_out_tongue:

I use Verdana and BitDust 2!

Verdana 10px or

Majeye - I don’t have those fonts on my comp :frowning: I found that most image editing programs and desktop-publishing programs install a ton of fonts. If you haven’t installed any of those programs since the format, you may want to try that.

Verdana and Arial are some of the better fonts that everyone can easily see without having to install that font on their computer. Are you planning on using the font in images, or are you planning on using the fonts as regular text?

Kirupa :moustache

I think that’s an Adobe font… Check your copy of Acrobat if you have one.

then click fonts. they have awesome fonts even if ur site isnt for games :wink:

haha pimping fonts… =) lol

“Hey baby, whats up? Do you like to be Capitalized … yea you know what im sayin’! Hey listen… Ever been with a True Type Font? Strait pimp baby! Yea Win or Mac, you’ll be here for the attack you know what im sayin’!”

@ raydread: rotflmaoaAtdosctwjsf

(that really stands for something)

and i think htose came with PS…

and i use tahoma at 10pnt

i’ve installed everything that was on there before… i was able to get myriad but now im still needing one called “Tw Cen MT” Twin century i think it is…

The problem is, when i open Flash files that i’ve already created that use these fonts, i get a missing font warning, and no matter what i choose, i get undesireable results… I can’t edit these files, and re-export the SWF until i get those fonts that i used…

ho hum… thanks anyway, for those who tried…

I had that font a few weeks ago maj, but I too lost Tw Cen MT; that was a really cool font too. You can download the variations of the font from the following URL:

Kirupa :smirk:

sweet! thanks a lot for the link K-Man!