Well, here, I’ve basically designed my character and his basic attacks. Basically, the character design is as follows:
Use left and right to walk,
Use shift while walking to run,
Use down while standing to pound the ground,
Use control while standing to punch,
Use shift while standing to kick,
Use space while standing to fire bullets,
Use up while running, walking, or standing to jump,
Use Shift while jumping to kick in the air,
Use control while jumping to fly,
Use up, down, right and left to navigate in flight,
Use shift while in flight to do a comet attack, and
Use down while running to do a rockroll.
Yes, do take notice of the bold letters. Now that I’m done with programming my character’s basic backbone, I’m stuck. I used an attachMovieClip function for the bullets, so that whenever space is held down, multiple instances of a bullet can be spawned. But now, I plan to program my enemies into the game levels, and I don’t know how to program the hitTest function so that it will detect collision between an enemy and any bullet, regardless of how many instances of the bullet there are. I don’t want to do something like, if(this.hitTest.bullet01){}, if(this.hitTest.bullet02){}, if(this.hitTest.bullet03){}, etc. Is there a way I can make a general actionScript function?
Apparently, I cannot upload my fla file onto the server, it’s too big, 3MB to be exact. I’ll just send it to you guys through email, if it’s fine.