i’m trying to help my gf make a website and i started on the logo. the letters i’m doing in photoshop, but i’m trying to make a flask in illustrator that is looking rather amaturish. can anyone take a look at it and make some suggestions as to what they would do? i was thinking of trying to add some bubbles or something overflowing from the top kind of creating a backdrop for the whole logo
btw: i wasn’t sure of the best format to upload it in so i just chose gif
either you create a realistic bottle, and bring in some sweet reflections, refractions, à la web2.0 (search for ‘liquid’ or ‘aqua’ logos, or web2.0 logos)
you go the opposite direction (wisest choice) and you try to stylize the flask a maximum, don’t bother about shading shadows, simply find a good outline for the flask, and an interesting shape on the liquid. It’s harder to make a good logo out of it (because it’s been done before and it’s going to look like any old flask) but if you succeed you’ll have a logo which can be printed anywhere, faxed, and much more
here is what i put up on the website. i’m going to try to make it into one long banner. i can’t figure out how to have it positioned to the left side of the page (php is confusing!) i thought you could just use html but i guess my knowledge of web building is obsolete these days (except for the actionscript that is :devious:)
anyone familiar with blogs know how to align it left? or what to look for in php code for alignment?