I’m the owner of this site: www.hilaweis.com
I have a problem which I’m trying to solve for a few weeks…
My site is a holding a few galleries. each gallery holds a few images shown with a Flash.
It works great on PCs. The problem is - the mac…
Mac users won’t be able to see the flash. It’s just not shown.
If you wanna see this - http://www.hilaweis.com/gallery.asp?gal=13
My developer tried to change a few codes -
At the begining we thought it has to do with the caps/lower case in the code itself.
Well, no.
Then we tried changing the code refers to the script border. we took off the java script from it (the runtime activate content). No good.
Does anyone know what can be the solution for this?
Thanks a lot!!
Hila Weiss