Hi. Can someone tell me, why I can open my homepage, made entirely in flash, on any pc withut any problems, and when I try to open it at my school, on a mac, the flash file cannot be loaded? No problems in loading other flash homepages. Its just my site…
The movie is no more than 50kb. How can I ensure that it works for mac’s also?
any suggestions?!
the thing i’ve found to be most helpful when viewing flash on macs is making sure my html source contains both the object tag for the flash file and the embed tag. i dont know why but for some reason macs usually want both from me before they’ll work. but definately read through that link that flex posted. some very good stuff in there
the thing i’ve found to be most helpful when viewing flash on macs is making sure my html source contains both the object tag for the flash file and the embed tag. i dont know why but for some reason macs usually want both from me before they’ll work. but definately read through that link that flex posted. some very good stuff in there
Hi again! thanks for your replies! still having problems though…
I tried to get my web-teachers to help me out, but they couldn’t see whats wrong.
Don’t think its the flash, bcause I can open it just fine, by typing the correct path. The problem must be the html
My index page consist of only one button made in flash, that says “enter” this button launch a popupwindow, holding my main flash movie, but when clicked the popup cannot display the flashmovie, but again, if I type the path to the swf, it can! I have updatet the browser and flash player, but nothing…
Is there some hardcore programmers out there, who could take look at my source code, and see what could be wrong? Adobe GoLive has generated the code. (maybe its just the mac’s outhere, that are ******!!)
Are ur ‘index.html’ and ‘sommerhus.html’ in the same directory?
That’s very obvious but I thought I’d mention it.
yup! they r in the same dir.
I have no problem opening the site at a pc…
The only thing I can see it’s that u don’t close the ‘<‘embed’>’ tag
(’<’ embed type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” height=“600” width=“800” align=“top” play=“true” quality=“best” movie=“sommerhus.swf” ‘>’’<’ /embed ‘>’)
in ur html documents
Hi again,
Sorry about that,
I meant the ‘<’ /embed ‘>’ tag