I have them on my office computer so I can only tell you to view the last battle for the logo. Nothing has changed. I can get the hexadecimals if needed tomorrow in the AM…
hey, i kinda stuffed up , cause i started workin on it with 45 frame rate, and i went a bit to far to go back, here is my go, i might be changing it before the due date, might need a complete change or some changes.
thanx, so you like it? iam a bit worried about the frame rate, since i was workin on your file and you had the frame rate at 45fps, if he makes a website at 20fps and puts that in, it’s going to be really slow, will this matter?
He’ll probably just make the website’s framerate match the logo animation. Or, if he uses the animation as sort of a splash page, then it will not be contained inside another SWF so the framerate can be anything and it won’t matter. I wouldn’t worry.
High five! Nice work my man! And it’s only Tuesday morning! I spoke with Athelos about his idea for the animation out of curiousity and great minds think a like it would seem. Looks very professional! This is going to be a tough competition, I hope everyone gets involved.
Good Luck Soulty!!! I really like it.
Update *
Just so everyone knows, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a logo animation. It could be an intro animation what have you using th elogo. But we might have two winners in this battle. A logo as well as intro if one is presented… we’ll have to wait and see.
■■■■ it soulty! :!: I think we all had the same idea!! and I have been working on mine for a bit already… well the concept is a bit different so I will post it anyway… when its ready to go. Also considering the time it takes just to make a logo animation making a complete intro would be VERY time consuming. Maybe think about raising the stakes a bit for that one marius?? Just to let you know mine is somewhere in the middle but it certainly doesnt qualify for an intro thats for sure!
It was $25 and now it’s $40. This isn’t a poker game :cowboy:
And heck, thats a 66.7 % raise. It’s really up to you. I know that there will be quite a few entries. If it isn’t worth your time, I understand but if it is, GL2U!
Either way, thanks for putting the time into it to begin with.
■■■■ it! You called my bluff! :moustache - I just had a pair of deuces!
Hey Al, can you attach a nicer resolution of the final, completed logo when you get a chance. Doesnt have to be outrageous since I am using it in flash. Thanks.