A onRelease Question, plus 2 general ones (Sorry!)


ok, sorry to be a pain, I’ve searched but I can’t find anything relevant.

I am making a gallery, which you can view here:


ok, firstly, when you click a thumbnail, you cannot scroll them until you roll off the click thumbnail, and I’m not sure why. is it just a movieclip thing? or can I put some code in to re-get focus of something?

ok, now for the two general questions:

  1. When you roll over the thumbs, they go up, sometimes they flick back down though, even though you are rolled over them still. is this just because they are moving?

  2. Does anyone know why when I add this:

if ((_root._xmouse >= _root.mc_mask._x) &&
            (_root._xmouse <= _root.mc_mask._x + _root.mc_mask._width) &&
            (_root._ymouse >= _root.mc_mask._y) &&
            (_root._ymouse <= _root.mc_mask._y + _root.mc_mask._height)){
                var pointerTween:Tween = new Tween(_root.mc_pointer, "_x", Strong.easeOut, _root.mc_pointer._x, _root.mc_mask._xmouse+_root.mc_mask._x, 0.5, true);
                var percent:Number = Math.floor((_root.mc_mask._xmouse / _root.mc_mask._width) * 100);
                var goto:Number = -(((_root.mc_thumbnail._width - _root.mc_mask._width) / 100) * percent);
                var scrollerTween:Tween = new Tween(_root.mc_thumbnail, "_x", Strong.easeOut, _root.mc_thumbnail._x, goto+_root.mc_mask._x, 0.5, true);
            delete this.onEnterFrame;

into a different onEnterFrame (other than _root), it goes really slowly when I roll over it, then fast when I roll out?

sorry for the bombardment of questions!

if you can help, here is the fla for you to poke at:


cheers :slight_smile: