A problem with rollovers

hi i’m rather new to flash and actionscripting and i have no clue how i would script this so i was hoping you all could help me out.

what i want to do is create a page navigation out of square buttons. which will be formatted like this

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. . .
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when the user rolls over one of the buttons i want all the buttons in the menu to randomly flash a lighter shade of color before returning to it’s original state. the last button to flash should be to the one on the right side of where your mouse is.( if the mouse is on the button farthest to the right the one on the left would be the last to flash. ) once the buttons are done cycling through the flash of color i want the targeted button to rollover to a picture, and on the click/release i want everything to return to it’s original state.

is this even possible to do? i understand the very basics and how to make it roll over, but how do i make all of them roll over randomly? and how do i control which button is the last to do so?