I have found a really kewl set of buttons that I would like to use on my website. Thing is I’m a relative newbie who has only done the basics. I have attached the file so that you can look at what the buttons do.
I would like to know exactly how this thing is working so I can learn to use this action/rollover in other things. My questions are:
How do I alter this so that I can have rectangular buttons instead? e.g do I just edit the button in the library window?
I would like to change the colour of the over state when the button is expanded, so when its down it’s blue then when over it’s expanded and a different highlight colour. How do I do that?
What is the button (movie) clip doing?
I would also like to add individual text to each of the buttons, how do I do that?
Thanks anyone and everyone for any help you can give me with this. I know these maybe novice questions but that is because that is what i am