Very cool Flash rollover, how to?

I have found a really kewl set of buttons that I would like to use on my website. Thing is I’m a relative newbie who has only done the basics. I have attached the file so that you can look at what the buttons do.

I would like to know exactly how this thing is working so I can learn to use this action/rollover in other things. My questions are:

  1. How do I alter this so that I can have rectangular buttons instead? e.g do I just edit the button in the library window?

  2. I would like to change the colour of the over state when the button is expanded, so when its down it’s blue then when over it’s expanded and a different highlight colour. How do I do that?

  3. What is the button (movie) clip doing?

  4. I would also like to add individual text to each of the buttons, how do I do that?

Thanks anyone and everyone for any help you can give me with this. I know these maybe novice questions but that is because that is what i am :slight_smile:

I also have another file that I would like to know what is occuring with it and how the button is constructed and how they are making it work. If anyone could have a look at this for me as well that would be great.

well here it is the size of the square is with action script.
that movie clip is where the motion of the square is place, with actionscript.
the color is very easy to change.

Can you explain to me how I would edit these to make them individual buttons?

Would I have to edit each one then make it a symbol/clip? how did you change the colour, in the button area - up state?

Is the only thing the actionscript does is define the button in it’s resting state and when mouseovered?

Thanks for your help.