A question of Paths? _root vs. _parent

I have several SWFs that I need to work when loaded into another container SWF file as well as work when they are stand-alone SWF files.

Because of this, in circumstances where a movieClip is being talked to from another MovieClip I am using _parent as opposed to _root.

It has been working fine until now. I have one circumstance that only works with _root and will not work with _parent.


Obvously this works fine as a stand alone but not of course once loaded into the container movie.

Any suggestions?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

well, you have to use some kind of relative relation between the mc thats calling, and the mc that’s being called. you havent stated where you’re calling that from, so i cant really help… if you’d state whats the calling mc’s path, i could help you build a relative path statement.

Relative paths: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/tricks/relativeaddressing.asp

Well…I’ll try.

the MC anim_mc has a stop action on it. At that point on it’s time line there is a layer with an instance of the MC 'mcCursor" on it that plays…that MC has a frame action on it that tells another MC on the anim_mc timeline (screenShots_mc) to play:


I didnt think it was possible to make a relative path without using …/ type stuff cuz you have to go up a level and then down another level type thing.

this description proabably doesnt help you much?

uhm, up a level, and than down a level is totally possible…
well, im not sure i got it right, but you’re calling this from ‘mcCursor’ which sits inside anim_mc? so the call would be:


worked sweet.

I was adding too many steps…all I needed to do was go up one level and down one.

what i was doing was going up 3 and down 3! (like you would using _root)

Thanx a bunch!