well, you have to use some kind of relative relation between the mc thats calling, and the mc that’s being called. you havent stated where you’re calling that from, so i cant really help… if you’d state whats the calling mc’s path, i could help you build a relative path statement.
the MC anim_mc has a stop action on it. At that point on it’s time line there is a layer with an instance of the MC 'mcCursor" on it that plays…that MC has a frame action on it that tells another MC on the anim_mc timeline (screenShots_mc) to play:
I didnt think it was possible to make a relative path without using …/ type stuff cuz you have to go up a level and then down another level type thing.
uhm, up a level, and than down a level is totally possible…
well, im not sure i got it right, but you’re calling this from ‘mcCursor’ which sits inside anim_mc? so the call would be: