A simple match score display

Okay. Two issues here. Number one is less of a challenge I would imagine :).

  1. I am trying to produce a simple feature for a flash site which basically enables you to enter whether you have won or lost a match. This is then added to the existing value of one of two dynamic text boxes which are displayed on every page (instance names of “wins” and “losses”).

wins displays the number of matches won.
losses displays the number of matches lost.

And then there is a third dynamic text box with the instance name of “percentage” and this takes the two values and uses them to calculate the percentage of wins:

                    (wins / (wins + losses)) * 100

And then displays this percentage.

I would imagine that php (or an equivalent) would be required for entering the wins/losses to be added to the existing values…

  1. On a more complex level, I was wondering if you could help me work out how to do a slightly more advanced version. Instead of just entering a value to be added to the existing wins/losses, you enter the following:

Clan: Tag: Game Type: Result:

For clan and tag, you just enter any old value (because it can be text or numbers or symbols or a mix) and for gametype and result, there are drop down menus - e.g. you have to choose between Win and Lose for result…

Then these values are placed into what one might call a table (no idea how to do this one or if it could be done in flash) where you have columns for Clan, Tag, Game Type and Result. Each time you fill out the form and select ok, the new data is entered into the relevant column (perhaps these could be stored in a text file?).

On top of all that, there is still the little feature on every page of the website. In order for it to continue to work, the result value (Win/Lose) would need to somehow add a value to either wins or losses.

My apologies for that long post but I just can’t think of how either could be done.

Any help is much appreciated,

No ideas? None? :frowning: