A simple presentation set up

Hello I’m Allen,

I need to make a presentation like set up.
I’m going to play worship music with a group and we need something a little more flashier then power point but similar.

I was wondering if someone could get me started or point me in the right direction. All I’m looking for is this.

Click = goes to next set of text (or image were I could make the text in photo shop)

Control click (right click) = go to previous set of text.

And figure out how to loop a video file which will be in the background.

I would greatly appreciate any help to any of these things. I badly want to understand flash and I feel that if I just got a start I could expand it from there. I’ve used swish for awhile but now I switched to mac and can’t afford to buy it again. unfortunately swish would do all this stuff for me… so I’m lost now.
I use Adobe Flash Pro now.

And I’m looking on this as an opportunity to learn as much as I can about this language. But it would help a ton for our praise group to have this ready for next week. I hope it can happen… ha