Umm… As the current cartoon battle… I’m not going to argue a point over it because I actually turned somehting in… But… As FAR as I knew… These were the rules :
Theme: Create your own cartoon monster.
Programs: Flash Only
Size: Maximum of 400x400
Participants: AJCrowley, Kitiara, Playamarz, Ilyas
Due Date: January, 23, 2002 (One week from today)
Now… I think it’s semi-unfair for us to be given a set of rules… Then come back and read this:
Theme: Create your own cartoon monster.
Programs: Flash Only [COLOR=red](Scanned Image Optional)[/COLOR]
Size: Maximum of 400x400
Participants: AJCrowley, Kitiara, Playamarz, Ilyas
Due Date: January, 23, 2002 (One week from today)
Now… I understand that we should keep track of the battles we are in and everything… But I’d just assume get the main rules and go for it… I mean… Once you get a set of rules stating that you are to do this and only this… You kind-a get that mind set… And I don’t think it should be changed… Mod rulings are mod rulings…
I don’t wanna make it seem like I’m just complaining cause I know my character sucked… (which I did know…)… I’m just complaining cause my hand drawing skills are about 50 times better than my mouse drawing… And if I had known I would’ve been able to make something worthy of at least a mention…
Sorry if this seems like complaining… I really did like your entries guys… Just kind-a mad about the in-battle changes made…
After I posted the rules it seemed that many of the people wanted to back out because they couldn’t use a scanner so I put that up. But then the ones who didn’t want it were arguing about it and saying that it was pointless.
So grrr… It was a half and half and since there were mods already in the battle I just told them that if it was decided not to do it then take that out.
yeah this does seem unfair…if this happens you could at least PM the participants to tell them. i know when i used to battle (at the begining) that i got the rules and that was it…i never looked at the thread…
It’s just that I seem really jaded by it… And didn’t mean to complain… man I’ve been getting into arguments lately… VB vs C++… MAcs vs PCs… and now this… E-gads… I think I’ll just shut up…
Well I went with the original rules, and didn’t use a scanner - that’s why the whole thing is so much simpler than my usual stuff. I drew it on paper first and had that next to me while I was faffing around with the mouse, but I didn’t scan it in.