Photo Manipulation Battle

Ok i havent’ tried a battle in a while because my first few nobody else who chalanged posted anything. It seems that the battle section has taken off now and chalangers actualy post.

I would like to have Photo Manipulation battle. Rules are pretty loose. Photo might be suplied by the moderator or might be what ever u want to use mod will decide. Only app allowed is Photoshop. You can use anything PS can do except Actions. Size and theme will also be decided by the mod. I would like to see around 5 ppl join. Anybody interested.

i am

so we needa bout 3 more ppl. If i mod is watching i would like u to wait till enough ppl ahve joind before you post the theme and such.

i am interested

lets try to get 2 more to make this interesting.

i would like to participate in a photo manipulation. i suggest we all work from the same photo, and specify whether or not other images can be used, or if it all needs to be created from scratch…

count me in

we are leaving that up to the mod. One photo will be used for sure. it won’t be strait from scratch. Thus a Photo manipulation battle

well one photo would be the start, but im saying, would we be allowed to import other photos, or are we going to hafta tweek the original one photo only?

that is 5

any mod that comes through. IF you coud set his up we are ready to go.

majeye that will be the mods call. They might give us one to start with or we might have to find our own to fit a theme.

hmmm… I love the idea and i’d like to participate, but i’m not sure if i’ll have enough time since my final exams are in a few weeks. But as for now, please count me in 2 :wink:

we are jsut waiting for a mod.

any mod. any mod at all. please come set this up. pretty please:)

All right, looks good :slight_smile:
Can you please post the picture you’re going to use?

Theme: Photo Manipulation Battle
Date: 05/09/2003 (for my birthday, that will be a nice gift :beam: )
Soft: Any PS-like
Who: sintax, prstudio, teed, majeye, dj.stigma

Is that OK with you?

If we are all working form the same photo i was hoping th mod would suply it. Or another impartialy third party.

will we be able to use other photos of our own choosing for the manipulation, or are we to use photoshop only?

<- also in

What kind of picture do you want? Buildings, people, nature…?

it is totaly up to u POM. also up to u weather we are restricted to the one pic or if we can use others. I would give the pic to use but it wouldn’t be fare to the other ppl. so it is mods choice really. Any theme any pic or you can just give a theme and we can find our own pics to fit the theme.