A Thank YoU! to kirupa!

Well i would just personally like to thank everybody at kirupa, the staff and also the very helpful forum members , just regestered and i already am understanding swift 3d! that means sometime later on when my web site is complete and i have time on my hands i will be animating in flash but in 3d! , im very pleased , i used the kirupa sample tutorial and edited it and now i understand how to use it!

again thanks very much for making such a great site!

[swf=“http://www.angelfire.com/fl5/picace/travel.swf height=300 width=300”][/swf]

i basically edited the tutorial on the site but i edited it and now understand much moreabout using swift 3d, i havetaken my first step towardsl earning it :stuck_out_tongue:

it aint much but since i understand one thing about it, i can learn from there :slight_smile:

yea, they are very helpful. also, welcome to the forums, and im glad your enjoying your self here.

P.s. the animation looks really good to.


yea i just started getting into this web design stuff not too long ago, id say around 4 months i knew flash and adobe but was using geo****ties and cutehtml, but now since i know dream weaver , flash, adobe, and hopefully get used to swift 3d, my site can look really amazing when it’s done, but i’m still planning a layout, or ill just copy www.videogamedc.com if i can’t wait anymore :wink:

ya i can tell i will be coming to theseforums a lot from now on.