Hello Everyone,\rJust wanted to let everyone know that I will be starting to update my Swift 3D site once more. In a few days, once my server troubles are fixed, I will put up more tutorials and a comprehensive review of Swift 3D V2. \r\rUnlike the current tutorials that cover the basics of how to use Swift, I will be covering more in-depth topics such as creating more interactive, 3d animations used in combination with Flash. If everything goes the way I plan, the Swift 3D board will become popular once again and kirupa.com will eventually feature some of the best tutorials related to Swift 3D!\r\rHope you stay tuned…\r\rCheers,\rKirupa\r
Hiya Kirupa\r\rAny chance you’ll include info on camera angles?\rNothing to be found except…\rwww.rushvision.com/swift3…ial01.html\r\rAnother tutorial that would be good is how to fly through landscapes.\r:)
will do fla999! In fact my home page has a rudimentary fly-by effect with a skyline. I’ll create tutorials on those topics as well as a few animation ones I had been talking about; I never noticed that there was such a void in Swift 3D tutorials on the net!\r\rCheers,\rKirupa
The void is H U G E.\r\rIn fact, if it were any bigger… well, nevermind.\r\rWanted to share a link with you of one of the best examples of Flash 3d I know of.\rwww.europe.creative.com/a…1/tour.asp \rUber cool!\r\rThe only flash tutorials I’ve found (besides yours) are:\r[url=“http://www.erain.com/tutorials.asp”]www.erain.com/tutorials.asp \r[url=“http://www.popedeflash.com/tutorials/index.php”]www.popedeflash.com/tutorials/index.php\r[url=“http://www.rushvision.com/swift3d_tutorials/knife_cutting_onion/Knife_Cutting_Tutorial01.html”]www.rushvision.com/swift3…ial01.html\rand a couple at Flashkit.\r\rYou could say this might your opportuntiy to bring kirupa.com to the front of the flash scene by filling a void. We’re all rootin’ for ya!\r(Kirupa.com is still one of my top 3 flash resource picks!!)\r\rHope you focus on intermediate to advanced tutorials coz the ones already available at some of the sites above already deal with the basics. 'specially the erain.com site.\rThe real void seems to be tutorials beyond the newbie stuff.\rHelp us Obi Wan!
I shall do all those The future shall be voidless!