Aaugh, someone please help! (A footer problem)

For most of you, this will probably be an easy question, but I’m kind of a noob when it comes to coding, so please bear with me.

I’m re-designing my wordpress blog/site and the problem is, there’s an empty space below the footer on all the pages except the home page. Also, it won’t stick to the bottom when the page is zoomed out.

I know there are many “fixes” out there, I’ve googled it, but the problem is this is not a normal html site, it’s a theme for wordpress that I’ve totally re-worked… and it’s PHP, which I’m not proficient in.

Also, I didn’t want to change the entire coding TOO much, because that might mess up the home page, which is working.

Here is the link. Like I said, the other 2 sub-pages have the same problem. I tried copying some of the code of the index page, but nothing I’ve tried has worked.

Thanks so much in advance!

ps - I hope this isn’t in the wrong forum.