hi, i really have no idea how to solve this problem,this is first time i use css to design a website.i wish anyone who knows could help me out or guide me, really appreciate it. thanks in advance ^^
here’s the problem:
i want my footer to stick at the bottom even if the content is not full, i got this from footerstick.
then i use it for site, the footer is stick at the bottom, but, i have no idea why there is a mysterious space at the bottom =.=" (using Firefox)
IE7 doest have space at the very bottom but the wrapper doest not wrap the footer…and sometimes looks odd, eg: smaller the IE window, and then refresh the site, then resize the window again, the footer is at the initial window size bottom.
FF:when my content is not full, the footer is at the bottom without mysterious space, but when i resize the window to become smaller, the mysterious space will appear.
FF:when my content is full, the footer is at the bottom and the mysterious space is there.
what should i do?is anything wrong with my css?should i use other method for my footer?pls advice.
here 's the example page :
http://www.nanaku4design.com/example/diary.html (full content)
http://www.nanaku4design.com/example/diary.html (short content)