i built my website accroding to the tutorial “creating a full flash site” in Kirupa tutorial section.
the main page is empty and has an empty target MC.
whenever i click on any of the navigation buttons, an external SWF is called and loaded in the target MC.
how can i make the empty main page load immediately the “about” page ?? i dont want it to be empty. i want the first empty page to calls the “about.swf”.
i have attached screnshots of the main, about and pictures pages.
put a loadmovie action on the first frame of the movie, its the same as if you were clickin the button but instead it loads it up on the once it enters the frame automatically, and leave the button alone just add the script to the first frame of the movie
i inserted this action and when i tried it in IE, the “about.swf” started blinking, i put a stop, and it kept blinking.
i have attached a screenshot of the main page.
it worked great but the scroll in the “about.swf” is messing up with the mouseover captions. if i click on the slider bar to scroll, then hover my buttons, the caption appears on the slider bar.