Please help this loading movie problem is killing me

Hi guys please help me. I have use this kirupa loading movie style with my project.

Problem (1)
when i upload it into the site, the first main intro movie was loaded and played but the buttons for loading externals swf cant work in the site.

Izzit something wrong with publishing under Flash 6?
Do i have to upload everything including the html n swf n fla?

PLEase help…i am frustrated

ps i will be uploading my main file and an ext swf . please check n reply.

It is probably a targeting issue.

The _root of the loaded movie is no longer the _root, the _root will now be the _root of the movie you are loading into.

In that case, _root assumes you are targeting something on the main timline of the movie you are loading into.

You can try using _parent instead, or just remove that part altogether and see what happens.

(I am assuming your loadMovie code looks like _root.Clip.loadMovie(“file.swf”))

What actions do you have on your buttons?

:EDIT: haha Lost beat me to it…doh!! =)

i have uploaded both the swf n html file too aint working

on (release) {


on (release) {


on (release) {

this is the main file

oh ok. Did you upload all the individual .swf files you are trying to load into?

Does it work on your computer and just not on your server?

I think my code is dirty!@

Hi kind souls…go to and you will know whats wrong…

i have uploaded both .swfs and .html into my site

I get an error saying a script in the Flash file is causing my browser to stop responding and I had to close it.

You have a unclosed loop somewhere that is causing this.

Hi lostingbeta tryabort the script and cont wih the loading…

Hey m8…u have a great website. Another thing can you see my uploads here? i dun think my uploads are here …izzit?

Yeah, but it disables the actionscript used in your movie if you do that.

This is not a good error.

What code are you using for your preloader? This is probably what is causing it.

*Originally posted by aston *
**Hey m8…u have a great website. Another thing can you see my uploads here? i dun think my uploads are here …izzit? **

Thanks man :slight_smile:

Nope, I don’t see the uploads here. They might be too big to put as an attachment and can’t upload.

Upload to the server and post links to them.

bytes_loaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;
_root.loadBar._width = getPercent100;
_root.loadText = Math.round(getPercent
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {

(2nd frame) gotoAndPlay(1);
(3rd frame) stop();

Oh… I know that code :wink:

That isn’t causing it.

You have a nice seamless loop going on with that.

Ermm, there is another script causing the problem then I believe.

Can you post the .fla files?

Hi all please go to my BTInet Webstorage to dl it.

pass: allanwang

plz go and DL it and tell me whats the problem…this is driving me nuts…

this is the add

hey all…i still uploading it there will be one index.fla and a inspire.fla in it.:beard: