About Screen Resolution!

Hello there,

I would like to know the opinion of another flash designers about the next issue.

I work with a 800 x 600 resolution, so my flash work will on a size based on that. So, this means if someones uses 1024 x 768 or larger, they will have a lot of black screen on their browser!

How can you solve this? Does we make the SWF to open in his own size , besides the screen resolution of the user, or do you have to design based on
each screen resolution?

Any help about this issue, will be great.



Well it is best to design for 800x600 as that is still the majority of web users (despite what people want to believe).

You can…

A) Scale your movies size according to percent. Like the width and height can be set to 100% so it fills the area. The thing with this is that all text, images, and content inside the Flash file gets scaled, so if you don’t plan for that, it can create some ugly results.

B) Use a redirection script for screen res. The down side to this method is that you will have to either create two different sized versions of your site, or just two different pages with the width and height dimensions different. Again, the width and height difference method will cause scaling, refer to A for what that does.

Here is a screen res redirect script I wrote a long time ago you can use if you want to go that route…

Hi , lostinbeta!
how are you?

thanks for the help.

So i guess i will continue to work at 800 x 600.

But , can you tell how can you make your SWF to be open in a new browser
window without the “MENU” of the browser?



lost, when you are starting out a flash project what sizes do you use for the main movie?

if it is for the web i usually work to a stage size of 795*433…

reduces distortion in embedded text i think?

if its a popup then i’ll work to the dimensions required…

for any multimedia sort of stuff with a res of 800*600…with an fscommand if needed

just curious, it would be interesting to see how everybody else works…

::::: AnOraK :::::

Do you mean a pop up?

If so, check my attachment.

But I will state this first. Pop ups are not really recommended for multiple reasons. 1 being that most people just hate pop ups all around, the other being that with the rise of pop-up killer software, many people aren’t even able to view sites in pop-up windows.

My recommended solution: On the splash page (index page that has the enter button) include the option to either open in the normal window, or in a pop-up window. I think it is better to let the viewer decide how they want to view your site, but that is just my opinion.

*Originally posted by AnOraK *
**lost, when you are starting out a flash project what sizes do you use for the main movie?

if it is for the web i usually work to a stage size of 795*433…

reduces distortion in embedded text i think?

if its a popup then i’ll work to the dimensions required…

for any multimedia sort of stuff with a res of 800*600…with an fscommand if needed

just curious, it would be interesting to see how everybody else works…

::::: AnOraK ::::: **

Honestly, I have never made a Flash site, and am currently working on my first one now, it is going very slow. The dimensions aren’t that big as I usually stray to be small and minimalistic.

no, i meant in general…

if you are simply embedding an entire movie in2 an HTML page so that it just fills the browser window leaving the toolbar at the top…

i h8 popups myself and usually avoid them like the plague…

i totally agree about giving the user the option, it’s their choice at the end of the day and that way they feel they r in control instead of the designer…

::::: AnOrak :::::

p.s. thanQ for the txt file

u have NEVER made a flash site?

as far as i can see you are kirupa’s resident actionscript guru…

looking fward 2 seeing it then…

::::: AnoraK :::::

I think on an 800x600, the standard fill within the browser without scrollbars is something like…


I am not entirely sure on this, but it is in that range.

And no problem for the text file. I wrote the redirect script for a friend of mine, and I wrote the centered pop up for myself, and my friend wanted it too, but he had a bigger screen res, so I wanted to make a better way that centered it depending on res instead of fixed position.


thanxx once again…

it’s so nice to come to a forum were people will help you…

no airs and graces here i think!

::::: AnOraK :::::

*Originally posted by AnOraK *
**u have NEVER made a flash site?

as far as i can see you are kirupa’s resident actionscript guru…

looking fward 2 seeing it then…

::::: AnoraK ::::: **

LOL, nope, I am not really a guru, I just like scripting. I am horrible at Flash design, so don’t expect much from my site, really.

Ok, I came up with this little script to detect the browsers innerHTML dimensions (how much you can fit inside the viewable area)

Just add it into a new html document and test it out…

document.write("Your browser\'s dimensions are: ")
//if browser supports window.innerWidth
if (window.innerWidth)
document.write(window.innerWidth+" by "+window.innerHeight)
//else if browser supports document.all (IE 4+)
else if (document.all)
document.write(document.body.clientWidth+" by "+document.body.clientHeight)

It works in both IE and NS, and since both can have varying screen sizes I think it is best to came up with an average size that would fit in both no matter what the varying size is.

I know no one asked, but that never stopped me from giving my opinion before…

I use 700x400 so that the client can have a less than maximized screen, and see the entire site. It also allows for those Office toolbars a lot of people have on their desktops, or netradio, etc.


once again i bow down to your helpfulness and very obvious forte…

how cool is that script???

i’d better leave you b or i’ll be picking your brains for ever…

i am the opposite, i love doing the design side of things, can code in what i would describe as an amateur fashion (compared to the peole here!!)but am very willing to learn…

i don’t get enough time to actually go and learn as much as i can…have to change that…

good luck with your site…i am totally sure it will be amazing…

thanks again 4 the help

::::: AnOraK :::::

just noticed i’ve passed the 100 posts mark!!!


rev i have noticed the “I know no one asked, but that never stopped me from giving my opinion before…”

nice 1

::::: AnOraK :::::

I would take Revs advice, he has made many a Flash site in his day, so he knows pretty much how to size it.

My script just gives you the basic idea of viewable area differences between browsers and such and allows you to decide what you want to do based on that.

I am glad I could help you. And congrats on the 100 mark :wink:

no worries m8…

thanQ to you both

::::: AnOraK :::::

you make me sound old, lost…



No, just experienced :wink: