To all:
I have a little problem with designing and publishing a flash movie. Well, to be honest I am just a newbie in FLASH.
I use a FLASH MX, 17" monitor, 1024 x 768 pix screen resolution. Well, after I published the movie, it looks perfectly fine when I am viewing in a 17" monitor with 1024 x 768 pix resolution. However, when I viewed it in a smaller screens like 14", 15" with less resolution like 800 x 600, things get really blurry and all messed up (can’t even read the text). The publish setting dimension is 100% with scale: Exact Fit.
The question is How should I design so that it would be nice to view in any screen and any resolution? Please tell me in detail as far as the dimension that I should use when I design in FLASH MX.
No, if you set your movie by exact pixels it doesn’t matter what res you are on. My friend designed a 800x600 site successfully on his gigantic monitor (bigger than 1024x768, but I forget the next up Res). It helps to have an 800x600 monitor handy to check and make sure everything is okie dokie though.
Or if you want, you can create 2 versions of the site, 1 800x600 and 1 1024x768 version and use a Javascript Screen Res redirect script to go to either or. Of course that requires double the work on your site though. But if you are interested in this method, I wrote a script a while back for it and I can attach it to a post here for you.
Thank you for the reply…I really appreaciate it.
After I tried, yes it looks good in a smaller monitor and resoulution, but it creates another problem.
Remember my publish settings are 100% x 100%, and Exact fit. Now, when I tried to view with my monitor, (17", and 1024x768) it looks pretty huge. Hmmmmm…may be I just a newbie…sorry…should I design to a smaller web page??? but, when I design it, the space is already kind of crowded.
Sorry it’s me again. Well, it was pretty good suggestion and I got it. Thanks. But when I was looking at the site of the week in, I saw Wow, it looks nice and I also tested the website. Once with 1024x768 and once with 800x600. I was amazed that I didn’t even need to scroll when viewed in 800x600 and it was centered when viewed in 1024x768.
What am I supposed to do so that my website is like that? Because after I followed your intruction, it looks fine with both resolution; however, when viewed in 1024x768, it shows up on the upper left handside of the screen. And when I view in 800x600, I need to scroll to perfectly view the page.
make sure that all your objects are placed at integer positions… meaning 213 not 213.4
Because otherwise flash will antialias your objects, and antialiasing on flash makes things really blurry. Also, make sure that you’re using a pixelfont - those are great. you can get them from
and to have flash centered, make a table on your html file… set the width and height to 100, and stick the swf inside your table, center and middle aligned… that way, your flash file will always show up in the middle of the browser. I don’t like using publish…
Wow, thank you so much for the reply, I am gonna try it now. But for Lavaboy, I am fairly new with flash, can you please explain more how to set the object as integer? How about the blurry text tutorial, does it do the same thing?
Click on your objects and open the properties panel (CTRL+F3) then you can change the x and y coords of your clip that way. This is important with textboxes usually that they are not on decimal coords.