Absolutely amazing site


Some of the stuff on this site were absolutely amazing.

My favorite are 1, 2, 4, 14, 16, 17 , 20,

Most actionscripters/flashers probably already know of Yugo Nakamura. An excellent scripter indeed.

loved #32

dragging a virtual ribbon…

pretty cool…

thanks for the link Nali…


I saw someones fractal tree thing and saw how they mentioned some guys, so i got the link to their site and WOW.

the fractal tree was very cool also. I wanna see lost’s old grass footer, but with fractal tree’s instead of grass :). I’m sure that’d be easy.

My fractal tree thing? Are you sure it was mine? I didn’t think I released mine for show anywhere.

But yeah, I love my grass footer too, it would be cool with fractal trees…lol.

yah… I was playing with it for a few minutes… just me and my wacom… coool… uh huh… coool…



Kirupa.com > Kirupalab > fractal tree.

puts foot in mouth. It was ilyas’s. But I still think it’d look really cool with a fractal grass footer :). Might be kinda hard to keep under 15k though.

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *

post the fractal tree again, haven’t seen it, please? And rev, 32 is absolutely cool; like a living mobius twist;

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

Im not sure I ever posted it a first time :sigh: It was an experiment I did months and months and months ago and it’s not that great. Considering this is coming up now I am assuming it was someone elses fractal tree experiment that Nali was checking out :smirk:

Well my crappy one is here…



*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**yep, sure it was yours lost. Kirupa.com > Kirupalab > fractal tree.

puts foot in mouth. It was ilyas’s. But I still think it’d look really cool with a fractal grass footer :). Might be kinda hard to keep under 15k though. **

I see (-:

that fractal tree really is the best one i’ve seen so far :beam:

wish i could make one :-\

I don’t think it’s so bad looks wise, but I made it before I knew anything about prototypes, dynamic event handlers, and the drawing API. So basically it’s tweens, onClipEvent handlers and attachMovie() with random rotation and amount of clips to attach once the tween is finished :-\

haha that’s it? :beam:

though it was some complex beizer curves and stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

still hard for me though :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL, I highly doubt that ahmed :slight_smile:

haha… i oughta try that sometime :slight_smile: