Abstract 3D/Photoshop Battle

fixed the carpet, lol

I think iam going to leave it there.


Nice… Very nice.

Mak, it looks fine. Cool down man :stuck_out_tongue:

looks awesome! :slight_smile:

hey i like what you did with it, i think ur ready!! the before and after must look really dif…you have original??

here is the first one i posted, though i only did that because i thought there was a deadline. Since i had more time i improved on it but also thanks to everyone for giving me advice on the needed changed, it looks much better. And Mak, its good to be a perfectionist, because iam one as well, but for me to do any changed on this i would need much more time. For now its good enough.

The first one:


The new one:


awsome, the first one looks cartoony, second one looks realistic =)

anyways, when is this battle due? kaotic, soulty, and alethos have entered…

This battle was due two days ago. :slight_smile:

so no battle? who wins on default then?

I’ll make the poll, I don’t know where is Dan :-\

maybe he got in another car crash :confused: