Abstract 3D/Photoshop Battle

posting mine , very soon, either 2nite or 2morrow

warning: 158kb file size.
size: 1024 X 768

if thats too big tell me then i will reduce it more.

tell me what you think.


wow, I like that one.
Very… something. I like it

i like it a lot, it is a very real desrtuction and a huge environmental issue, i only have 1 problem with it…the logs look like stones!! they should be more…brownish? otherwise its awsome and deep

yeah your right Makaveli , it was a texture from a tree i have at the front yard though, took it with a digital camera. but i browned it up and does look much better, tell me what you think.

looks much better soulty, but it somehow still looks rocky? they look like brown rocks sorta, i guess its because the grass looks too fake, doesn’t look like a place where so much damge was done…you think you could improve it somehow? i dunno it looks too neat! i dunno how to explain what i’m seeing

i guess i’m being picky…anyways, it looks good =)

Hey that is cool though. How did you do the “sparkles” behind the text (top left)?

Makaveli, i still playing around with it, i got the ground a bit more brownish, and darker green, give it a messier look, and iam going to add some grass around the tree, kinda show what is missing from compared to the tree and tree stumps. i might add some patches of light grass here and there 2. anyway , i dont see many people into this battle so i dont think its even going to happen.

Morse: the “sparkles” as you called them are just noise layer blending techniques in photoshop.

took the grass out, looked 2 friendly again. getting there though

image and link updated, tell me what you think.


def looks much better with dirtier grass!! is this all PS??

nah not all photoshop, just touch ups and type and design layout, other than that everything was done in 3d (Maya).

nice :o =)

i think maybe the grass still needs to be improved, it still looks too much like carpet to me, especially when its shown in original size…you know how IE minimized large pics…it looks okay small but when its maximized it looks like a carpet, how about removing some trees and adding those conrtuction marks left behind by the HUGE machines?

anyways…where are the rest of the contestants??

yeah i know what you mean about the carpet looking ground, lol,
its something to do with my bump map, hard to find a nice ground texture and bump map working 2gether and this is prob the best i could get it right now, though, like you said,

Where are the rest of the contestants?? i might have more time to work on this then :smirk:

about the marks (kinda track-tyre looking aye) , thats a good idea, though it might take away from how ‘lost’ this one tree is standing with the tree stumps surrounding it.

ill give it a go anyway though.

Wow, lots of stuff happenin’ here! Soulty, I agree with Mak. The grass should stick out of the ground like real grass. Also, the stumps need flatter tops (they seem sorta rounded, which may be why Mak sees them as rocks).

My submission is up here somewhere, and so is Kaotic’s. bcogswell/someoneLeet still hasn’t submitted. And I guess the others who wanna hop in haven’t posted yet. Today is the deadline, though, right?


fixed the tree stumps. almost there.

So when is the deadline??

lol, i see a wooden ax in there!! lol

anyways, how about making stumps dif sizes, they can’t all be cut the same size…ah who cares its supposed to be abstarct not so realistic i would say fix the grass…and the wooden ax and ur set!! now i must find alethos entry…

alethos…yours would look so much cooler if you had a leg or body part in that spike…and more blood !! BLOOD IS GOOD I LIKE blood …try combining blood with coke…tastes sweet =) :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

all done, here it is…


grass looks awsome now, but the “carpet patches” ruin the image i think … its def a vast improvement from the original grass tho