it can be done in photoshop to an extend but for good 3d perspective absract work, using any 3D application is ideal. Its just choice of application and since its 3D work not bitmap thats why Desire uses Cinema4D. Its really just expirenmenting and playing around with the tools and it helps if you know what each tool does also so you know what effects your trying to create.
ermm i use cinema 4D for the 3d renders but i add the rest of the work in photoshop.
i think you want to know if its all possible though ps right?.. Well it is possible to do it that way its just harder, there is a tut on Deviant Art on how to imatate 3d renders useing gradiants and such.
i have the tut on my pc but the image file its on is 1.2meg big so hit me up on msn ( ) if you can and i will send it you okay.
but seriously, in the end it’s always gonna be better to actually do stuff in 3d than to keep trying to fake it, because it’s way harder to fake, it takes longer and there’ll be stuff you just can’t do…