Cool Photoshop Abstract Art

I’ve seen abstract phothoshop art from some you which is very impressive (I can’t find and example right now but i hope you know what im talking about). can you tell me how you do it, or send me links to some tutorials?

heres an example of what I want to learn:

if you want to do pictures like that theres some things you gotta learn.

:- 3dsmax5, cinema4d, rhino3d or any other 3d program.
:- how to use burn&dodge effectivly in photoshop
:- picking colours that look good together
:- and alot of inspiration and a crazy mind.

basically only PS and MAX are needed :slight_smile:

I saw a tut on how to do this once, with the use of simple blobs made in MAX.

I too want to learn this Nick, but it’s REALLY hard to get it right… try and experiment a little with color layers in PS first :slight_smile:

thanks for the help. i’ll try out those programs in the near future.

and good luck with it :wink:

big e can you post that tute?

basicly its a bunch of layers, lighting, and blending effects to create something abstract. it’s similar to a collage, but abstract is more blended and smoother.

dipster: It’s on deviantart. I would find it for ya, but I hate the speed of deviantart’s webby… :-\

it’s sooooo sloooow…

i will search later then! thanks!

would u post a link when you find it?

also, i know that you need to use a 3d proggy, but i don’t really understand what you make with it before doing all the rest of the stuff

is it just blobs, or long ribbons with low opac…?

**Nick!**theres a tutorial in the latest ‘Computer Arts’ Magazine which takes creates an image like this. Its all photoshop - it doesnt show you how to create the cool 3d elements, but its very good at showing you how to use dynamic lighting effects in photoshop to give you good results.

I guess you can only get the magazine in the uk, but if you can get it, its very good, if only for ideas :slight_smile: PM me if you can’t get it, i may be able to e-mail you the files at least.

Ooo, Computer Arts magazine? I’m off the the newsagents then. :slight_smile: I always wondered how you create this kind of thing too.

Seriously though, if you’re into this kind of artwork, speak to Dan (Telekinesis) - he’s sickeningly good with this. :slight_smile: …my fav. tut resource (click the ‘tutorials’ button on the left :-p ) hope this helps :thumb:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Ooo, Computer Arts magazine? I’m off the the newsagents then. :slight_smile: I always wondered how you create this kind of thing too.

They had a “computer arts projects” out last month as well. This had a huge photoshop project which showed you how to create a beautiful photoshop montage. It was really good then thats a worthwhile purchase too!

Theres another magazine that my dad gets. It doesn’t really show much advanced stuff, but its great for beginners and is full of VERY usefull quick fix ideas and plenty of tips. (The CD useually comes with a load of plug-ins as well)

…um, sorry. I went off on one a bit there. :sigh:

experiment experiment experiment! :slight_smile:

Exactly… and Replode is right as well…Many layer and blending effects.

Everyone has probably seen this before, but this guy does some amazing stuff with PS only. [no 3D progs]

Hope this helps… He has tutorials, and is easily contacted. You might want to post this in his forum also.

____:eye: jMkM

amazing site jmk! thanks fro the link

hey, that site looks really familair…someone posted it in sitecheck a few months ago, and it was really cool. anyways, the tutorials were good, i just added them to the tutorials section of my Favorites :wink: