Accessing Embedded Content

I’ve created a MovieClip in Flash CS3 and wrote in it’s timeline:

function testFunction():void
rotation = 45;

I have then selected to export this MovieClip as ‘TestClip’ on the first frame, with a base class of flash.display.MovieClip. I compile the SWF as ‘test.swf’, and then embed it into my ActionScript project like so:

[Embed(source='test.swf', symbol='TestClip')]
private static const TestClip:Class;

I can then instantiate the embedded object I’ve created, and add it to the display list, but I’m wondering how I can call the testFunction() that I defined in Flash CS3 from my instantiated object?

var testClip:Sprite = new TestClip();
testClip.testFunction(); //? This does not work, as testFunction is not a method of Sprite.

Is there a way of doing this that I’m missing? Thanks in advance.

I assume you’re using Flex? I don’t use Flex so I don’t know the intricacies of of Embed, but try not assigning a type to your testClip variable. The type determines what properties are available to your instance and Sprite obviously isn’t defined with a testFunction natively :wink:

Yeah untyping the variable gives me a runtime error that it cannot find property testFunction in TestClip.

I’m lost. Surely there’s a simple way of talking between ActionScript-only Flex projects and Flash CS3 symbols?


Its also included in the Flex 3 SDK

I don’t know if it works with AS projects, though.

It might be possible embedding SWFs creates a wrapper as well, similar to a Loader object. I seem to be remembering something like that (dug up from the dark depths of my vacuous mind).

Ah! found this!
Should help

Just tried using the Flex Components command thing, to no avail. The MovieClipAsset class doesn’t help much either. I decompiled a few of my swfs to see what’s going on, and it just seems that when embedding, Flex doesn’t carry over anything but the graphics of the symbol. I might have to do this another way (with Loader probably).

Sort of sucks. Ah well. Thanks senocular. Coincidentally, you’ve been the guy that’s always helped me whenever I post here lol.