Accessing MC class from document class

Hey Guys,

I have created a movieclip in the library and added a class to it. I want to access a function and set an Array in that class from the document class…

Heres what im doing now which is not working… it says startnow function is undefined.

package com {
 import flash.display.*;
 import com.NavMC
 public class Capability extends MovieClip {
  // Constants:
  // Public Properties:
  public var navMC:NavMC
  public var listMovies:Array = new Array("page1.swf","page1.swf","page1.swf")
  // Private Properties:
  // UI Elements:
  // Initialization:
  public function Capability() {
   navMC:NavMC= new NavMC()
   navMC.setArray = listMovies

Here is the class for the movieclip in the Library, the movieclip is already on the stage.

package com {
 import flash.display.*;
 public class NavMC extends MovieClip {
  // Constants:
  // Public Properties:
  public var listMovies:Array = new Array();
  // Private Properties:
  // UI Elements:
  // Initialization:
  public function NavMC() {
  public function set setArray(_listMovies:Array) {
   listMovies = _listMovies;
   trace ("setArray"+listMovies); // Does not trace
  public function set StartNow() {
   //Start the code. // This does not work.

Im just a bit confused :puzzled: