Hey Guys, theres somthing im doing wrong here, or somthing i’m not quite understanding. I thought this should be relatively simple to… can you help me out.
Document Class ‘whatwedo’
package com {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*
import com.Capability
public class whatwedo extends MovieClip {
public var loadMC:LoaderMC // LoaderMC is a class in the library linkage.
public var cape:Capability
public function whatwedo():void {
loadMC = new LoaderMC()
cape = new Capability()
cape.setLoader = loadMC
Capability Class:
package com {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*
public class Capability extends Sprite {
public var loadMC : MovieClip;
public function Capability():void {
//mainMC.nav.Target = this;
public function set setLoader(loader:MovieClip) {
public function start():void {
loadMC.x = 500 // This does not work
loadMC.alpha = 0.5 // This does not work
//I cant access the movieclip on the stage.
I’m trying to access the loadMC movieclip in the document class. It dosnt work, please can you let me know what im doing wrong.