Accessing Stage Instances from .as File linked to a movieclip (AS3)

Hey there, first post :smiley:

iā€™ve been all afternoon trying to figure out a solution to my problem, and I canā€™t seem to find it, or cannot implement it. Let me lay it out for you:

[LIST][]I have an actionscript file linked to a movieclip. (movieclip:skate class linked: generic_skate).
]I have it set up that way so I can create an array of skates easily (iā€™m using a for loop to create them), and each skate has its own attributes (name, description, price and the image that is supposed to go on the deck)
[]In the stage, i have three text boxes, one for the price, other for the name, and another one for the description.
]In the generic_skate class, Iā€™m handling all the mouse events (in this case mouseOver and mouseOut.


What i want to accomplish is: when the user hovers over a skate, the info shows up in the text fields and when he hovers out, the info goes away.

My problem:
Since Iā€™m doing all the mouse interaction in the class file, my guess is that I have to access the stage to get to the text boxes that are placed there to change its info or somehow create a ā€œmiddleā€ man to do all the handlingā€¦

Could someone please tell me how do I access the text objects on the stage from the class to update them?

best regards.

**EDIT:**I do not have a document class.