AcionScript for beginners (ressources)

Does anyone know any good ressources for ActionScript begginers. Ive looked at the beginner tutorials here and done most of them but im interested in any really basic tutorials, books, cds, etc.

Im lookin for maybe a book that teaches sorta what word goes where in ActionScript, and what this does. Stuff like that.

I got the Flash MX 2004 game design demystified. Its a really good book but to advanced. I want to learn how to type my own code and stuff.

I heard some good things about ActionScript: The Definitive Guide, aka ASDG aka the Flash Bible. It’s published by O’Reilly if I’m not mistaking.

Anything by Colin Moock, ie. Actionscript for Flash MX and Essential Actionscript 2.0

Actionscript 2.0 Dictionary by Macromedia Press

Macromedia’s Training from the Source (actionscript and application development)

Flash MX Professional 2004 for Server Geeks by Nate Weiss

those books are all great reads, and you can learn alot from them

I found little to no errors in those books…

Yes, Colin Moock is the way to go…

u tried flashs basic tuts?
or you could always just read a load of the basic sounding forum threads on here… both of these methods are of course, free!! (well apart from ISP costs for kirupa … but hey! lol)


thx for the help!

<quote=jonesin>Macromedia’s Training from the Source</quote>

i thought training form the source was really advanced stuff?