Sup everyone! I’m like the newbiest of all newbies when it comes to FLASH. Iv’e just taken an interest in FLASH MX and I like it alot. The only thing is I don’t know what the heck im doing when it comes to actionscripting.
Does anyone know of any good books on actionscripting or maybe a good site that teaches it in the easiest and most simplist way? heh
i just bought “flash mx actionscript bible” its great, but before you get that i suggest you check out “flash mx bible” first just to brush up on some as basics :cowboy:
personally, I think tutorials are the best way to start because
you’re going to be learning a specific technique or method of
doing something as you need it. Going through a book is good,
but I think to use it as a reference is a better idea, at least until
you’re more familiar with scripting.
there are about 5 tutorials in each chapter of “flash mx bible” and "flash mx actionscript bible"of course they cost $49.99…but compared to the $500 retail price of flash mx, 49 bux for a book shouldn’t be too bad in the pocket
Yeah, I currently have an audio and visual tuturial cd that helped me alot with the most basics of flash which I thought was alot of fun and pretty easy. I really want to start doing some actionscripting to get deeper into flash making. Ive gone to a few bookstores and looked through some books but didn’t know what would probably be the best for me to read/use. Think i’ll look around for the “actionscript bible”. Whos the publisher? If you guys know of any other resources that would be helpful please let me know.
I agree with phizion above that Flash MX Actionscript Bible is a good start. It is excellent reference when youve gotten the speed up. The only bad thing about it is that instead of focusing on the free combination of php/mySQL for server-integration, it goes for java, asp, etc.
advanced actionscripting: training from the source.
comes with a cd with all the tutorials. really good for beginner actionscripting.
by derek franklin i believe