What is the difference between actionscript 1 and 2 cuz im looking to learn flash and dont know which to start with o.O … are they like different languages though they can both do basically the same stuff or is one superior than the other? is one harder than the other? Would you recomend learning 1 first ?
Actionscript 2.0 is far superior in matters of programming languages… but relatively, both are poorly developed as OOP languages.
Learn 2.0 because if you start with 1.0 (especially if it’s your first programming language) will start you on some very bad habits. Not that 2.0 won’t, but it’ll get you in a better starting place than 1.
I wouldn’t say AS 2 is “superior” its just a more familiar syntax for developers (esp Java developers) in using AS. AS 2 is just an extension of AS 1, or like a nice hat. Its still the same person, but now, their head has a new look. When compiled, all AS 2 code actually becomes AS 1. Its AS 1 with strict data typing and a new (java-like) syntax for writing classes. Thats about it. Feel free to read the kirupa OOP tutorials concerning AS 1 and AS 2 to learn more.