Actions on dynamic buttons

I’m creating a CD module for an industrial company…They will be require more than one CD and the best solution for them, was a dynamic menu within their CD Interface. I found an FLA on another site that I modified for the CD’s interface, but the actions on the buttons had “getURL” on them…I need to target host clips for external swfs. We are running the CD in the FLASH PLAYER not a browser.

A little back ground on the dynamic menu:

The menu is made up of main navigation and sub navigation. The button graphics exist in two separate movieclips and are duplicated dynamically. On the root level, in one frame, the actionScript that defines the fields on the main buttons is:

titoli= new Array();
titoli[3]=“TECHNICAL DATA”;

(for the number of declared fields of this array depend the number of section:
example n[0] … n[34] --> 35 section in menu)
n = new Array();
n[0] = 7;
n[1] = 9;
n[2] = 1;
n[3] = 8;
n[4] = 0;
n[5] = 0;

//These sub buttons are the ones that call the host clip and external swf
//note I have had to use words to describe the nubers containing a closed bracket and the number eight because it is the same symbol used to insert a smilie face graphic…imagine it as a number, and not as a written word…please.
fields=new Array();
fields[0]=“Intro; About Widelite”;
fields[1]=“Why Compact Fluorescent Now?”;
fields[2]=“The Performer Compact Fluorescent(PFCF)”;
fields[3]=“The Concelaire(CACF)”;
fields[4]=“Compact Fluorecent Dimming / Switch Legs”;
fields[5]=“Emergency Battery Backup”;
fields[6]=“FAQ’S (VIDEO)”;
fields[the number eight]=“Product Literature”;
fields[9]=“Application Photos”;
fields[10]=“Features & Benefits”;
fields[11]=“Performance Specifications”;
fields[12]=“Case Studies”;
fields[13]=“Color Selection”;
fields[14]=“Warrantiy Information”;
fields[16]=“Product Data Sheets”;
fields[17]=“Product Offering / Thermal Matrix”;
fields[the number eighteen]=“Installation Instructions”;
fields[19]=“Lamp Technical Data”;
fields[20]=“Ballast Technical Data”;
fields[21]=“Acrylic Technical Data Sheets”;
fields[22]=“EBB Technical Data”;
fields[23]=“Mounting Details”;
fields[24]=“Shipping Weights”;

links=new Array();
links[0]=“link goes here”;
links[1]=“links goes here”;
links[2]=“links goes here”;
links[3]=“links goes here”;
links[4]=“links goes here”;
links[5]=“links goes here”;
links[6]=“links goes here”;
links[7]=“links goes here”;
links[the number eight]=“links goes here”;
links[9]=“links goes here”;
links[10]=“links goes here”;
links[11]=“links goes here”;
links[12]=“links goes here”;
links[13]=“links goes here”;
links[14]=“links goes here”;
links[15]=“links goes here”;
links[16]=“links goes here”;
links[17]=“links goes here”;
links[the number eighteen]=“links goes here”;
links[19]=“links goes here”;
links[20]=“links goes here”;
links[21]=“links goes here”;
links[22]=“links goes here”;
links[23]=“links goes here”;
links[24]=“links goes here”;

I know there needs to be an action on the original Sub Button( as in the button before its dynamically duplicated) but I don’t know how to refer to all the different “links”… for the dynamically generated sub buttons. I’d like for them to target a path to the correct host clip and external swf.

Also, I have an action on the sub button that makes a graphic in the interface disappear everytime one of them is clicked…But, It reappears and then disappears everytime. How do I tell the sub button to ignore the action if the graphic is already gone?

Thank you for your help…I really need it.:-\


here is an easy way for dynamisam which you are loking for


duplicateMovieClip(“btn”,“btn” add i ,i)
// lebal is dynamic text field on top of ur btn and link is a local vriable
// here you can have position arragement


in the btn before duplicate you should write a command that:

// or you can load(loadMovie(link,""))

if u know xml or loadVarriables, there is no need create an array inside. you can dynamically create arrays from external data.

if u don’t want to create two array you can create multi diamention array… its upto you

if u want to display some gif or small animation on the btn, then u have to create one more array(for hold the path or name) and tell it in ur for loop where u initiaize ur btns.
