Since the forums were upgraded, I’m hitting a problem when I cut and paste code from a thread into Flash…it’s being pasted as one enormous line of text. You can imagine what a pain this is as I have to manually edit it to replace carriage returns after every semi-colon. Using the format button in Flash doesn’t work as it thinks it’s one long comment…bah!
The problem only occurs with code that’s been tagged as “Actionscript”…code that’s tagged as “PHP” or “code” paste into Flash just fine.
It’s frustrating as, until I edit the line, Flash throws up compiler errors and it’s getting to the stage where it’s putting me off trying to help people out as I don’t really want to type out their AS code each time
While we’re at it; any chance of being able to EDIT your posts with as/php tags without the whole thing going down the drain? It sucks when you spot a typeo ;p
Well, I just pasted this code from Flash 8 into AS tags
Now I’ve copied it from the AS tags and posted it back into Flash 8, and I get two ridiculously long lines of greyed text.
The problem might be where the pasted code contains commented lines with //
Either way, it’s only started to occur since the forum upgrade so maybe K can take a look at it. I’m with you all the way on the editing though…stripping out all the paragraph tags is a pain. If I make a typo, I usually end up deleting the entire post and starting a new one