Actionscript effect

how do i do the cool rollover script in the middle of the site, its wicked :slight_smile:

i really liek the mouse effect which i have already kind of mastered where the mouse follows you, but this is beyond me…

Any flashexperts who can help or guide me on what i may have to do.


its done through easing… this tutorial might help:

That example uses easing only in the x directions. The icons are actually backwards and the whole thing just opens up (plays an animation opening up) either on rollover or hitTest or just seeing if the mouse is at least a certain height

how do they make the back ground move the oposite way? (the grid) i know its easing…but…what do i have to add to the code to make that part opposite?

Whats up everyone? This is my first post on this site…I use to surf, allot, but they are nowhere to be found. Any way, for my question.
How would one constrain the movement of a movie clip with the easing script to a certain _x position?

Can startDrag be used for this purpose?


If you don’t want it to move on the _x axis then don’t tell it to move on the _x axis :wink:

Just remove everything in the script that deals with _x or _xmouse.

:stunned: Wow… Am I easily impressed or is their Crowd Behavior example rather impresive? all those lil people walkin around and not bumping into each other, heh

*Originally posted by GARRETTDESIGN *
**how do they make the back ground move the oposite way? (the grid) i know its easing…but…what do i have to add to the code to make that part opposite? **

might help :slight_smile: