Hey everyone, just signed up for the forum, tutorials are great here at kirupa’s site. Well I was wondering how they did the effect where when you roll left or right it’s controlling a movie clip that plays back and forth http://www.thebournesupremacy.com (a similar type of effect as the alpha graphic fade with inertia here, just a little different) as i’m still learning flash (beginning to learn actionscripting) any help would be appreciated.
I think they had (looks like) three video clips and two still pictures. The video clips’ location on the timeline depends on the mouse’s location of _x. There is no _alpha control of the movieClips. And the still pictures use the same math, but just control the _alpha and a little bit of the location of the still picture all depending on the mouse’s location of _x. Notice that if you move the mouse up and down (on the _y), nothing changes. So that’s how I’d do it.
french dude, do u know any sites where i could get some actionscript tutorials for free…and it doesnt matter what language its in, so even if theyre in french, send me the links
Ilyas le G®eek or FreddyThunder, would either of you mind doing a simple file so that I can know how you do this…Illyas the code you posted would you have to modify anything on that? I did this: created a movie clip with a tween, but it loops…so I added a stop action but that seems to just stop the clip. I’m a beginner haha…i’m tryin’ to learn fella’s, thanks for any help you can give me.
I’ll play with it tomorrow. I think it would be interesting, but have to shoot some video when the sun’s out (cheap video camera, but a good deal at $100!!). However, will Freddythunder be willing to do something like this for $0; answer=false; sorry.
louie I could make a mockup style thing so you could get the hang of whats going on. I guarantee it won’t be any sort of production quality stuff, but I think it will help you out. This site has a ton of examples that you could use to help you learn some of the basics, as well as some of the more complicated aspects of flash.
I need to know what version of flash you have so I can save it as something you can look at.
XPeriment22 dont be upset if no one wants to do something for free, time is money, especially if you ask before we have seen any of your attempts, you dont learn anything by being given things.
[font=Century Gothic]Paradox, your right. I should be making things on my own. But the only problem is, I don’t know any actionscript, only the simple stuff [follow mouse, go to and play] and I need to make a really cool site and those require complex actionscript codes, so I dont know what to do. I need some animations and visual effects that are really cool, and I only know animation. I just need some professional looking actionscript tutorials, other than the ones here on kirupa.:puzzle: [/font]
Okay I attached a simple example file. I think it does what you guys are looking for, as promised it’s nothing real special.
Xperiment, there are a ton of sites with actionscript examples flashkit.com were-here.com actionscript.org ultrashock.com
just to name a few, remember search is your friend, even if it is google search. You have to start at the bottom doing the simple stuff, just like everyone else, it takes a lot of time to be able to produce an award winning site, have patientce.
Paradox - I got an unexpected file format? Anybody else get that?
Well, I put something together with some AVI videos that were about 100 frames long (about 4 second videos). I threw in a couple of still pictures and played with everything I said before. It would up being over 2 MEG and cloggs down my roommates good computer!! :trout: So, I went back to the other one and counted the frames of the video clips they are using. They are only 17 to 20 frames long. Hmm. oops.
One correction about something I said before; before you can play with the _alpha of a video clip, you have to turn it into a movieClip first.