So I’ve been working on/off with AS3 for the last couple months. I’ve recently felt comfortable enough to use some code that was given to me and use it to build a flight newsfeed swf (please refer to the attached file).
Problems I’ve been having:
I’m still having a few problems that I can’t seem to figure out, and I would gladly except help on any of them.
Regarding “UPDATE_INTERVAL” and the variable “time”: As it is now, this works to change the update interval of the updates being added to the stage every time the swf is loaded. However, what I’m trying to accomplish is to change the update interval for every update added to the stage. I’ve tried a few things but they were unsuccessful.
Secondly, I’ve tried many different ways to embed a font as opposed to creating a text format variable, but none of those attempts worked. Although Arial is a popular system font, I’m still concerned that everyone won’t be able to view the swf as I intended it to be viewed, unless the font is embedded.
Finally, the rssButton swf file doesn’t seem to be loading within the UpdateTest swf file for some reason. I know the URLRequest path for the rssButton file is relative, so I don’t know what is causing the problem. When I right clicked the Update Test swf file and opened with adobe flash player 10.1 r52, I was getting the “Error #2044: Unhandled SecurityErrorEvent:. text=Error #2047: Security sandbox violation:.” When I tested it in the browser, the rssButton just wasn’t showing up.
Edit: When I just load the swf from the desktop, the RSS button seems to be showing up now. I’m no longer getting an error, but I don’t think I changed any code related to it. However, when I load the the UpdateTest.swf into a dreamweaver document, the rssButton doesn’t show up. My question now is: do you see anything in the code that would cause problems?
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have that will improve something I’m trying to accomplish.