Actionscript for n00bs

i’m a noob, what can i say…is there a place i can get to for some basic commands and technics of AS?

so far, i’ve been working mostly with a few prebased scripts (ie hitTests and animating on mouseovers) but really i have no idea what i’m actually writing. i’m just copying and pasting. and worse, i see the threads here and scratch my head. i’m eager to learn…so, a brief overview, or maybe a site that would do it, anybody?


or run a search… this is asked about twice a week…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
this is asked about twice a week…

and theres no real difinitive answer? Ill have to do something about that!

… not without searching for one which already exists though :wink:

You might try using the actionscript dictionary from the help menu in flash. Go through and search for the commands you use in your tutorials, it should give you a definition and examples of how they work. It will also link you to related commands.

*Originally posted by Sorcerer *
**You might try using the actionscript dictionary from the help menu in flash. Go through and search for the commands you use in your tutorials, it should give you a definition and examples of how they work. It will also link you to related commands. **

^ Thats how I learned a lot of what I know.

Other is from kirupa, kirupaforum, Ilyas, Sbeener, Senocular, h88, and all the other coding geniuses on this forum.