You can play what I have made so far here, it is a 2D action/adventure shooter.
I have an ambition to make a good game. I’ve made the above piece over two nights. Everything I’ve implemented works pretty smoothly so far (I’m especially pleased with the blood particles that shoot out of the enemy =D). The only issue is this:
Since adding the V-cam that follows the player, the player’s collision detecting went completely spastic, as in, it would constantly jump slightly up and down. SO, I changed the _y point at which the player would rise when touching the terrain.
My code for this is simply:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if(!_root.bg.platform.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && !jump == true) {
if(_root.bg.platform.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) {
Simple, right?
It works how it should, HOWEVER, since the _y coordinate at which touching the terrain, makes the player rise is imprecise, the movement is jagged. Understand?
So the old code worked perfectly, but once the V-cam was added, it didn’t.
**Please note, that I have used the method of making the background and enemies and everything move around the player, instead of a moveable camera. But I would very much like to get this little glitch solved rather than re-do everything, thanks >.<
And if you would like to comment on the graphics, give me story ideas/comments, gameplay elements… etc… PLEASE do. I’m running on determination to get this done by next week (AND get in the top 5 games of the month on www.newgrounds.com) before I have to get back to studying and work.
~!Thanks heaps ^__^**