pom, is the button action all that is involved? if so, what regulates the rotation speed, or is there a built in default? and secondly, if you wanted to have the circle stay in its enlarged position onclick, what would you do?\r\rMy, probably way too far outside the box, solution (and the only thing i can think of) is to have the onclick of the button be goto to a frame in which the button doesnt exist, and a replacement one does… otherwise even after you click, as soon as you rollout, the circle will resize. An easier way maybe?\r\rThanks for the fla by the way - it combined what i’ve spent a week learning into one simple step.\r\r(btw, if anyone wants to see the code or fla pom sent me, ask him first, as i don’t want to just make his things public w/out his permission)\rtnx again\rvalmont\r\r[[[Later Edit]]]\rpom, i just saw the other actionscript - i was accidentally looking in the symbol rather than the instance - so i guess you can ignore the first question while i go look at the rest of this wonder\r[[[/End Edit]]]
Took me a good dense half an hour to be honnest. I had a hard time with that rotation thing. And don’t worry about giving the code, it’s not copyrighted :lol:
About this click thing, i think you could solve that with a bunch of markers, as always.
on (press) {pressed=1;}
on (rollOut) {if (!pressed) scale = 100 ;}
or something like that.
pom 0]
yeah, like i said in the opener of this topic, i’m completely new to actionscript, and have always been focused on using straight up animation to solve all my problems, so i don’t get this marker thing, but i’ll experiment…
check back here!
I’ll probably be back again real soon - (and knowing my world, that tag didn’t work… sniff…)
thanks again