Advanced AS 3d rotate

Well, heres the beef:

I kept trying but cannot successfully come near to an effect using action script. I’m trying to write something in periods (.'s) and make it do a full 360 degrees.

If anyone could help me out, i’d greatly appreciate it!!

p.s. I would prefer someone like Dan to answer, the actionscript animator :wink:


K fine… AND senocular :slight_smile:

:beam: what kind of rotation?

Flat -> turns left from right side and rendevouz until its flat again heh

something like this?

Other way lol
edit didn’t know it was on mouse… if it could just move as if the mouse was on the right side of the swf

whats the periods thing? Whats it for?

I’m basicly writing something in periods…

. . .
… .
. . .

Thats not what I’m writing but you get the point lol…
Its one big dynamic textbox

like morse or something? The persiods cant scale individually like that in a big textbox - theyd have to be in seperate movieclips

hah, oh great. I just spend like an hour on this, I’m done in 2 minutes… 5 AM!!!

I’ll show you in a sec


jeez… I forgot that dynamic’s can’t do jack. But theres the idea anyways, how would I dreadingly do that junk again :(:frowning:

I’m going to bed… 5:14 am for me heh

does it have to be text? If you break it apart and make it a movie clip you can treat the whole thing as one and scale and rotate as you please. Do the periods move relative to each other within the box?

based on the current number of periods in the textbox, it seems unreasonable to attempt. Depending on the effect trying to be achieved, there’s got to be an alternative to doing whatever hes trying to do :-\

Yea, since its moving only x to x, I could break apart and make each column of dots a movie clip… but I’m still unsure how to do that AS wise :\

e.g. :

. would be 1 mc…

heres the reference :}

p.s. that is considered art, not warez and/or related to