Actionscript not working in netscape

hi i have a button that when you click on it it moves forward to a frame labelled “row2”.

it works on ie but not on netscape ?

the code i am using is

on (release) {
if (Number(_framesloaded)>=Number(icounter*10)){
gotoAndStop (“row” add icounter);
gotoAndPlay (“Preroll”);

the only way i can get it to move is to tell it to go to and play “row2” but i want to check first and see if the movie has loaded this far first.

any ideas would be very grateful.

your browser shouldn’t have anything to do with it, as the code is interpreted inside the .swf file before it is fed to the browser…
that said, your code perhaps could use a tweak–try this:

on (release) {
         if (_framesloaded>=icounter*10)){
                 gotoAndStop (myRow);
         }else gotoAndPlay ("Preroll");

it’s also possible that flash doesn’t like the dynamic label (“row” +icounter), because the syntax for labels is as a string (“label”)

keep going, you’ll figure it out…:slight_smile: