Actionscript Question

(Using Flash MX 2004 Pro)

I’ve got a movie I’m creating that loads a few movie clips and then is supposed to just stop and the movie clips are supposed to stay on the screen until the user clicks a link.

My problem is that 2:00 after the movie loads, each one of the movie clips disappear. I think the problem is in the Actionscript code b/c each of these MovieClips have the same Actionscript code on them.

Here is the code, and I was wondering if someone could tell by looking at it if something in this actionscript is making this happen.

onClipEvent(load) {
this._alpha = 0;

this.timer += 1;
if (this.timer == 15) {
	speed = 5;
	targetx = 302;
	targety = 18;
	_alpha = 0;
	this.onEnterFrame = function(){
		_x += (targetx-_x)/speed;
		_y += (targety-_y)/speed;
		_alpha += 10;
		if (_alpha==100 && targetx==302 && targety==18){
			delete this.onEnterFrame;
