New to flash but not to programming. Need help on two things:
If i need to load movie clips from library onto the stage one after the other. How do i make the second clip load only after the first stops playing. The main time line i have has only one frame.
I need to make a movie clip on stage fade away using action script. I tried to use a loop to decrement the alpha value but flash discards the script saying that it would make the system unstable (it really does) . Any solutions or work arounds??
thanks in advance
use onEnterFrame actions:
_root.attachclip1.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._alpha -= 10;
if(this._alpha <= 0) {
//attach second clip
Hopefully thats helps 
it works for two movie clips with fixed names. What if i want to go through a list of movies in the library (jpeg images stored as movie clips ) and make them appear and fade one by one? The main timeline is one frame so is the movie:) how do i keep running the piece of code above every time a new movie loads. I guess i can if i put some code in the first frame of every movie but i would like to avoid that