Adding a Preloader to a Photogallery?

First of all this is a great forum and I’m a newpie here. I’m also new to Flash Mx and
trying to learn it through books and examples.

Question, Adding a preloader component to a photogallery.

In a recent thread:
someone listed a resize question regarding images. The question was answered and part of the
code is as follows:

//reference to loadMe movieclip
lm_mc = _root.loadMe;

_global.loadImage = function(img) {
//dump old container
//create container for images inside loadMe movieclip
img_mc = lm_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(“imageContainer”, 1);
//load image movieclip
//check to see if image has loaded
lm_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
if(img_mc._width > 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;

Therefore, I would like to add a preloader while loading the images by using
the following preloader component.

Note: the Preloader has a target path property.

To the best of my availablity, I have to add the preloader component
property to if(img_mc._width > 0) and also drag the component to a specific
frame, but where?

Thanks, note I’m a newpie to flash Mx, patience and details will be very
much appreciated.