Adding an image on my copy email reply

Hi, I have a form which allows the user to tick a checkbox and have a copy sent back to them. This all functions well but I would like to add my logo to this response. I have tried adding the img to the message but this just displays the URL not the image, how do I edit this?

***$messageproper ="

" .
"Name: " .
ucwords($_POST[‘name’]) .
" .
"Email: " .
ucwords($email) .
" .
"Type: " .
ucwords($_POST[‘type’]) .
" .
"Comments: " .
$_POST[‘message’] .

" .
‘<img src=“”>’ .

" ;

    $messageproper = trim(stripslashes($messageproper));
    mail($mailto, $subject, $messageproper, "From: \"$vname\" &lt;".$_POST['email']."&gt;

Reply-To: “”.ucwords($_POST[‘name’])."" <".$_POST[‘email’].">
X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() );

    if( $selfcopy == "yes" )
    mail($email, $subject, $messageproper, "From: \"$vnamereply\" &lt;".$_POST['email']."&gt;

Reply-To: “”.ucwords($_POST[‘name’])."" <".$_POST[‘email’].">" );***

Many thanks
