I have a move that has a bunch of boxes that drop into the screen and bounce with a little gravity at the bottom of the window.
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
var clip:MovieClip = attachMovie("circle", "circle"+i, getNextHighestDepth());
clip._x =i*randRange(0, 600)
clip._y = i*randRange(-200,-600)
clip.xspeed = 30;
clip.yspeed = 30;
clip.bottomedge = 600;
clip.leftedge = 0;
clip.rightedge = 1000;
clip.gravity = 6;
clip.drag = .95;
clip.bounce = .8;
clip.onEnterFrame = function() {
with (this) {
_x += xspeed;
_y += yspeed;
if (_x+_width/2>rightedge) {
_x = rightedge-_width/2;
xspeed = -xspeed*bounce;
if (_x-_width/2<leftedge) {
_x = leftedge+_width/2;
xspeed = -xspeed*bounce;
if (_y+_height/2>bottomedge) {
_y = bottomedge-_height/2;
yspeed = -yspeed*bounce;
xspeed = xspeed*drag;
yspeed = yspeed*drag+gravity;
I’m having some issues getting the collision built in and am not really looking forward to starting from scratch, anybody have any ingenious ideas?