Gravity and Collision in CS4

I worked on a new Flash project, but I cant seem to find a good solution for how I want my objects to collide.

In my project I have: a Ball(moving object) and a Floor(not moving).

The ball is positioned over the floor and drops onto the floor through the gravity that is applied with the code.


var gy:Number = 0;
var gravity:Number = .2

function ballMovement(event:Event):void{
		ball_mc.y = floor_mc.y-23 //the -23 is because the ball has a diameter of 46 and seems to me calculating from                                           //the middle, i figured this out through trial and error
		gy=0  //set the gravity to zero once it is on the floor, so it stops moving
	} else { //this part does the gravity

this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ballMovement);

My problems are these.

First: the -23 in the code is what I don’t like.

Second: every single object that deals with collisions would need to be put into the if statement.

Bottom line:
**I Don’t like this code!

Is there a way to have a global gravity in flash AS3. In which you could choose what objects you want to be affected by it?

Is there a way to have a block of code that separates moving from still objects and will not let any objects collide(not overlap)?**